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Let your little one discover the joy of dance! These interactive parent-child classes blend movement basics, singing, and partner dance to create a fun-filled experience. Jive and bond together as your child explores rhythm and movement. Parent or guardian participation is required.
MONDAYS 9:15-10:00
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$144 | 9 SessionsWEDNESDAYS 9:15-10:00
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 9 - June 11
$160 | 10 SessionsSATURDAYS 9:15-10:00
Location: Mount Pleasant Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 9:15-9:45
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$135 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 9:45-10:30
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 9:30-10:15
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$153 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 9:30-10:15
Location: Hasting Community Centre
April 12 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$128 | 8 SessionsSUNDAYS 9:15-10:00
Location: Renfrew Park Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 ( No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 9:30-10:15
Location: Sunset Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 ( No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 10:00-10:45
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 6 - June 15 ( No Apr 20, May 18)
$153 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 10:00-10:45
Location: Kensington Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 ( No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 Sessions -
Let your little ones lose themselves in the world of make believe. Children will be immersed in magical stories they love as they sing and dance to their favourite songs. Music and dance technique will compliment the class to help your little star improve their coordination and confidence. Students must be able to attend class on their own.
MONDAYS 11:45-12:30
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$135 | 9 SessionsFRIDAYS 11:00-11:45
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 4 - June 13 (No Apr 18, May 17)
$153 | 9 SessionsFRIDAYS 4:00-4:45
Location: Douglas Park Community Centre
April 4 - June 13 (No Apr 18, May 16)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 11:45-12:30
Location: Hastings Community Centre
April 12 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$128 | 8 SessionsSUNDAYS 10:00-10:45
Location: Renfrew Park Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 Sessions -
VPS Ballet Classes lay the foundation for graceful movement for young dancers while sparking their imagination! Dancers will work on developing coordination, rhythm, and musical expression. Through playful exercises and creative movement, dancers learn ballet fundamentals in an encouraging environment. Students gain confidence and independence as they attend class on their own. Ballet shoes and attire required. Students must be able to attend class on their own.
MONDAYS 10:15-11:00
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$144 | 9 SessionsMONDAYS 3:45-4:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$153 | 9 SessionsTUESDAYS 4:00-4:45
Location: Hastings Community Centre
April 8 - June 10
$160 | 10 SessionsTUESDAYS 3:45-4:30
Location: Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
April 8 - June 3
$144 | 9 SessionsWEDNESDAYS 11:00-11:45
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 9 - June 11
$160 | 10 SessionsTHURSDAYS 12:15-1
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 10- June 12
$170 | 10 SessionsFRIDAYS 3:15-4:00
Location: Douglas Park Community Centre
April 4 - June 13
$144 | 9 Sessions (No April 18, May 16)SATURDAYS 10:00-10:45 (3yrs)
Location: Mount Pleasant Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No class April 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 10:30-11:15 (3yrs)
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No class April 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 10:45-11:30 (4yrs)
Location: Mount Pleasant Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No class April 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 11:15-12:00 (4yrs)
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No class April 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 1:00-1:45 (3-4yrs)
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No class April 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 3:00-3:45 (3-4yrs)
Location: Champlain Heights Community Centre
April 5 - June 7 (No class April 19, May 17)
$128 | 8 SessionsSUNDAYS 10:45-11:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$153 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 10:45-11:30
Location: Kensington Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 SessionsREGISTER - Opens March 22nd @ 10 am
SUNDAYS 11:45-12:30
Location: Renfrew Park Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 Sessions -
Want to learn how to move to and groove to your favourite tunes? Learn the basic style of hip hop dance in this high energy program. Discover new and exciting moves while learning fun and challenging choreography. Leave feeling energized, confident and excited about dance. Students must be able to attend class on their own.
MONDAYS 11:00-11:45
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$144 | 9 SessionsMONDAYS 3:15-4:00
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$144 | 9 SessionsTUESDAYS 4:45-5:30
Location: Hastings Community Centre
April 8 - June 10
$160 | 10 SessionsWEDNESDAYS 10:15-11:00
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 9 - June 11
$160 | 10 SessionsTHURSDAYS 3:15-4:00
Location: Douglas Park Community Centre
April 10 - June 12
$160 | 10 SessionsSATURDAYS 10:15-11:00
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$153 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 10:15-11:00
Location: Hastings Community Centre
April 12 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$128 | 8 SessionsSATURDAYS 11:30-12:15
Location: Kensington Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 SessionsREGISTER - Opens March 22nd @ 10 am
SATURDAYS 1:15-2:30
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 10:45-11:30
Location: Renfrew Park Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 Sessions -
Dance and sing along to their favourite show tunes! Your little performers will develop rhythm, characterization, coordination, and musicality through movement and song. Students must be able to participate on their own.
WEDNESDAYS 11:45-12:30
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 9 - June 11
$160 | 10 SessionsWEDNESDAYS 5:45-6:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 9 - June 11
$170 | 10 SessionsTHURSDAYS 3:45-4:30
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 10 - June 12
$160 | 10 SessionsSUNDAYS 10:15-11:00
Location: Sunset Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No class April 20th, May 18)
$144 | 9 Sessions
In this ballet class, dancers will learn essential ballet techniques every performer should know. Along with learning choreography, dancers will be encouraged to explore their own creative expression and learn how to dance with a fluid movement quality, while strengthening their flexibility and coordination skills. Previous dance experience is welcome, but not required. Appropriate ballet shoes and attire must be worn.
TUESDAYS 4:30-5:15PM
Location: Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
April 8 - June 3
$144 | 9 SessionsFRIDAYS 4:45-5:30PM
Location: Douglas Park Community Centre
April 4 - June 13 (No April 18, May 16)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 10:15-11 (6-7 yrs)
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 5 - June 14 (No April 19, May 17)
$153 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 11:30-12:15
Location: Mount Pleasant Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No April 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 12:15-1:00
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No April 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 1:30-2:15
Location: Champlain Heights Community Centre
April 5 - June 7 (No April 19, May 17)
$128 | 8 SessionsSUNDAYS 12:30-1:15
Location: Renfrew Park Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No April 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 1:15-2:30
Location: Kensington Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No April 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 Sessions -
This fun, dynamic dance class will focus on all things tap dance - including exploration of different rhythms, beats, and styles. Students will learn about tap history, techniques, and exciting performance choreography. Tap shoes are required. Let's dance!
SATURDAYS 11:45-12:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$153 | 9 Sessions -
This high energy class will help dancers improve their flexibility, confidence, coordination, and freestyle skills. Dancers will learn fun and creative choreography to show parents on the last day of class.
MONDAYS 4:00-4:45
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$144 | 9 SessionsTUESDAYS 5:30-6:15
Location: Hastings Community Centre
April 8 - June 10
$160 | 10 SessionsTHURSDAYS 4:00-4:45
Location: Douglas Park Community Centre
April 10 - June 12
$160 | 10 SessionsSATURDAYS 11:45-12:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$153 | 9 SessionsSATURDAYS 11:45-12:30
Location: HastingsCommunity Centre
April 12 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$128 | 8 SessionsSATURDAYS 2:15-3:00
Location: Champlain Heights Community Centre
April 5 - June 7 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$128 | 8 SessionsSATURDAYS 2:30-3:15
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$144 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 12:30-1:15
Location: Kensington Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 SessionsSUNDAYS 1:15-2:00
Location: Renfrew Park Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$144 | 9 Sessions -
This high energy Jazz & Hip Hop class will help your dancer build great strength, control, and flexibility while enhancing their confidence, coordination, and freestyle skills - all while having a blast!
THURSDAYS 4:45-5:30
Location: Douglas Park Community Centre
April 10 - June 12
$160 | 10 SessionsSUNDAYS 12:45-1:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$162 | 9 Sessions -
Want to learn flips and tricks? In our Jazz & Acro class, dancers build strength and flexibility while safely learning exciting moves like handstands, cartwheels, and balances. This dynamic combination of jazz dance and acrobatics helps students develop control and confidence.
SUNDAYS 10:30-11:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 6 - June 15 (No Apr 20, May 18)
$162 | 9 Sessions -
Dance and sing along to your favourite show tunes! Your young performer will develop rhythm, characterization, coordination, and musicality through movement and song. Sing with confidence, while learning fun choreography and the acting skills of a star!
THURSDAYS 3:45-4:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 10 - June 12
$170 | 10 SessionsTHURSDAYS 4:30-5:15
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 10 - June 12
$160 | 10 SessionsSUNDAYS 11:00-11:45
Location: Sunset Community Centre
April 6 - June 15 (No Class April 20, May 18
$144 | 9 Sessions
This fun, dynamic dance class will focus on all things tap dance - including exploration of different rhythms, beats, and styles. Students will learn about tap history, techniques, and exciting performance choreography. Tap shoes are required. Let's dance!
SATURDAYS 12:30-1:15
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 5 - June 14 (No Apr 19, May 17)
$153 | 9 Sessions -
This high energy hip hop class will help dancers improve their flexibility, develop body balance, confidence, coordination, and freestyle skills. Dancers will learn how to cleanly execute challenging choreography at a fast pace. Together, they will gain the work ethic, commitment, and strength it takes to be a dynamic performer.
MONDAYS 4:45-5:30
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 7 - June 16 (No class April 21, May 19)
$144 | 9 Sessions -
This high energy class will help dancers improve their flexibility, confidence, coordination, and break down the fundamentals of dance. Dive into fresh, dynamic choreography that builds confidence and coordination. Join our supportive dance community and discover just how incredible it feels to express yourself through movement! Visit performingstars.ca for more information.
THURSDAYS 5:30-6:30
Location: Douglas Park Community Centre
April 10 - June 12
$170 | 10 Sessions -
In this Contemporary & Hip Hop Fusion class dancers will learn to move with freedom and intention while developing proper technique and body awareness. Through flowing contemporary combinations and energetic hip hop choreography, students discover how to tell stories through dance. Blending fluidity and rhythm, this unique fusion class builds strength, flexibility, and coordination while encouraging each dancer to develop their own artistic voice.
THURSDAYS 5:30-6:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 10 - June 12
$190 | 10 Sessions -
Dancers will explore movement, creativity, and self-expression while developing proper technique and body awareness. Through flowing combinations, floorwork, and imaginative exercises, students discover how to tell stories through dance. This class builds strength, flexibility, and coordination while encouraging each dancer to develop their own artistic voice.
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 8 - June 10
$170 | 10 Sessions -
In this high-energy class, dancers will build strength, flexibility, and confidence while learning both jazz technique and acrobatic skills. Students will explore everything from graceful jazz movements to acro tricks. Through safe progressions, dancers will develop body control, balance, and performance skills.
TUESDAYS 6:00-7:00 (8-12yrs)
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 8 - June 10
$190 | 10 Sessions -
Dance and sing along to your favourite show tunes! Your young performer will develop rhythm, characterization, coordination, and musicality through movement and song. Sing with confidence, while learning fun choreography and the acting skills of a star!
THURSDAYS 5:15-6:00 (8-12yrs)
Location: Hillcrest Community Centre
April 10 - June 112
$160 | 10 Sessions -
In this class, dancers will learn essential jazz and ballet techniques every performer should know. Along with learning choreography, dancers will be encouraged to explore their own creative expression and learn how to dance with a fluid movement quality, while strengthening their flexibility and coordination skills. Previous dance experience is welcome, but not required.
TUESDAYS 5:15-6:00PM
Location: Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre
7646 Prince Albert Street
April 8 - June 3
$144 | 9 Sessions
This fun, dynamic dance class will focus on all things tap dance - including exploration of different rhythms, beats, and styles. Students will learn about tap history, techniques, and exciting performance choreography. Tap shoes are required. Let's dance!
MONDAYS 8-8:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 7 - June 16 (No Apr 21, May 19)
$135 | 10 Sessions -
This high energy, dance class will focus on the fundamentals of hip hop including groove, rhythm, and style. All while incorporating free styling concepts and focus on choreography training. Dancers will be introduced to basic hip hop history with the goal of becoming inspired to take their training to the next level and gain a respect for the culture. This class is geared towards a teen dancer who wants to experience and gain confidence in a welcoming and positive environment.
THURSDAYS 8:35-9:35
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 10 - June 12
$190 | 10 Sessions -
Bring your attitude and energy to Jazz Funk - where hard-hitting hip hop meets technical jazz! Dancers will learn dynamic isolations, intricate footwork, and powerful performance skills while grooving in challenging combinations. Blending jazz turns and leaps with floor work, this class is perfect for those who love to push boundaries and want to develop their own signature style.
TUESDAYS 7:45-8:45
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 8 - June 10
$190 | 10 Sessions -
Dancers interested in Pointe are required to be currently enrolled in another ballet class and have previously participated in our Pre-Pointe class for a minimum of two terms Dancers interested in this class must also be assessed by our Ballet Director first.
THURSDAYS 7:00-7:30
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 10 - June 12
$150 | 10 Sessions -
FRIDAYS 4-4:45 (10-17 yrs)
Location: VPS Studios
102 E 4th Ave
April 4th - June 13th
$153 | 9 Sessions
Discover your child's unique voice in our one-on-one singing lessons! Through personalized instruction, young singers will develop proper breathing techniques, pitch control, and vocal confidence. Our experienced instructor adapts each lesson to your child's interests and skill level, incorporating fun vocal exercises and age-appropriate songs they love. Students learn music fundamentals, performance skills, and healthy vocal habits while building their repertoire. Whether your child dreams of singing on stage or simply loves to make music, these private lessons provide the perfect foundation for their musical journey.
30-Minute Private Lessons are available on:
Mondays between 3:45pm-6:30pm
Tuesdays between 3:30pm-8:30pm
Wednesdays between 4pm-8:00pm
Thursdays between 4pm-8:30pm